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Southern Iowa Sirens (SIS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting all the positive aspects of amateur girls softball. This organization shall be known as Southern Iowa Sirens Fastpitch, hereinafter referred to as SIS.


The objective of SIS is to share and promote the game of softball, as one of the many possible aspects of a balanced childhood and adolescence. Emphasis will be placed on the development of softball skills without sacrificing the enjoyment of playing the game. Our goal is to teach the girls' softball fundamentals, help the players build confidence and self-esteem, and to model the characteristics of team play. The coaches are required to promote a high level of sportsmanship, and to lead by positive example. The objective is to implant firmly in the players, the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, courage, and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, strong, and happy, and will grow to be healthy, responsible, and trustworthy adults. To achieve this objective, SIS will provide a supervised program of competitive softball under the rules and policies of the Iowa USSSA Fastpitch Association.


SIS will follow the rules and regulations of the USSSA (United States Specialty Sports Association) for the State of Iowa, and participate in CIS (Central Iowa Sports) events as well as other Iowa USSSA sanctioned softball tournaments.


SIS Membership includes: SIS Coordinators, SIS Volunteers and Caregivers each to be an equal voting member of SIS Board Members at a general meeting as needed. SIS Membership will be invited to various  meetings throughout the year as stakeholders and the success of the SIS league.


The bylaws and policies of SIS may be amended or repealed in whole or in part by a majority vote (2/3 of the Board Members), and approved by the SIS Board with each member having an equal vote, under the guidance of USA Softball. SIS is a nonprofit organization solely created to benefit the teaching and playing the game of softball. In the event that SIS becomes insolvent or otherwise disbanded, all monies, equipment and property shall be turned over to another nonprofit organization benefiting youth softball. The SIS Organization consists of a Manager, Coaches, and Volunteers

MANAGER - Shall be the principal executive officer of the organization, in general supervise, and have access to all of the business and affairs of the organization. The Manager shall manage calendars, social media, player drafts, rosters, outreach and volunteers of the league.

ASSISTANT MANAGER – The assistant manager will work closely with the manager and coaches to increase a community presence and continued outreach including clinics. They shall gather quotes and mocks from local vendors and be the lead ordering SIS apparel under the approval of the SIS organization.

TREASURER - Shall be responsible for all SIS funds; receive and give receipts for monies paid to SIS and deposit all monies into the SIS bank account. Shall write checks for SIS to its various suppliers and volunteers who use their personal money. The Treasurer shall provide financial reports of the organization as needed. Since SIS is a nonprofit organization, all monies in and out will be provided upon request to all members in order to preserve the integrity of the account.

FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR - The Fundraising Coordinator shall be responsible for identifying fundraising opportunities for SIS and present them to the organization for approval. The Fundraising Coordinator will work closely with the Manager to ensure adequate support and volunteers for fundraising events.

HEAD COACH - Shall determine the practice routine, create the lineup, determine who plays what positions and assigns roles to assistant coaches. The head coach emphasizes skill development, fair play, teamwork, cooperation, sportsmanship, responsibility, and fun.

ASSISTANT COACH - Reports to the Head Coach. Shall assist the head coach emphasize skill development, fair play, teamwork, cooperation, sportsmanship, responsibility, and fun. Assistant Coach is responsible for assisting the Head Coach in performing team duties as needed.

GAME MANAGER - Reports to the Head Coach. During games shall keep score, communicates with opposing team periodically to compare scoring, ensures that players are supporting their team, knows their place in the lineup and helps ensure that players are ready for their turn at bat during games. Helps to build team unity and spirit; and assists the head coach in performing gameday duties as needed.

GAME VOLUNTEER - Assists the Head Coach and team in performing gameday duties as needed.

Coaches safety responsibilities: inspect all playing areas before each game for holes, damage, glass, and other foreign objects, and to correct unsafe conditions or report any problems to the umpire on duty. Check all team equipment, making sure it is safe and in good working order. Require all protective equipment to be worn at all times, as directed by the USSSA Softball guidelines.


Each team will be held wholly responsible for the actions of their players, coaches and fans. Excessive unsportsmanlike manner at any game can be brought to the Iowa USSSA board of directors for review and may result in forfeiture of the game, possible banishment of player, coach, or parent, or expulsion of the team from the league if deemed appropriate. Any player using social networking sites to make inappropriate remarks, comments or posting of pictures or even appearance of inappropriate remarks or comments will be suspended for two (2) games. If a second offense occurs, that player will be suspended for the remainder of the season.

Additional SIS Policies for players, coaches and caregivers:

Every player, coach, and caregiver is expected to behave in an appropriate manner at all times. Unsportsmanlike behavior at any game or practice will not be tolerated.

The first offense will result in a one game suspension and probation for the remainder of the season.

The second offense will result in expulsion from the league for the remainder of the season with no refund if applicable.

SIS has a no tolerance policy around bullying. If bullying is reported and founded, the player will be immediately expelled from the league for the remainder of the season with no refund.

Conduct towards umpires:

Zero tolerance policy on threats and bad behavior. No one can question the umpire on balls and strikes. If there is an issue, talk calmly with the umpire between innings.


SIS will supply players and caregivers with practice and tournament schedules no later than two weeks in advance, with reasonable variances due to weather and/or facility availability.


SIS shall maintain insurance on behalf of all members, coordinators, volunteers coaches, and players through the USSSA purchased policy.


A legal practice is one organized by the coach or assistant coach or attended by the same. To protect both the physiological and psychological health of players in SIS, teams may not practice more than four (4) times per week prior to tournament play nor more than three (3) times per week during the remainder of the season. Practices may not last more than two (2) hours per session.



All game play is under the guidelines of the Iowa USSSA Fastpitch and CIS (Central Iowa Sports).



Each individual who is required to register (all coaches, volunteers, and players) is responsible for registering themselves online and paying all fees ($5) associated with such registration and providing any identification requested by the league.

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